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Refugee crisis2 min read


It’s World Refugee Day — how will you make a difference?


Did you know that June 20 is World Refugee Day?

Today, we remember the more than 32.5 million people around the world who are living as refugees outside of their country as well as the 53.2 million more who are internally displaced within their own nations.

Some people left their homes to escape the violence of war. Others fled from persecution, failing economies, and extreme food shortages.

Regardless of the reason, refugees around the globe all have one thing in common … they’re in desperate need of help and hope.

Watch this short video from my recent trip to Eastern Europe to learn how you can make a difference:

For just $35, you can provide one refugee in Ukraine or another high-conflict area with a week’s worth of essentials like emergency food, clean water, medical care, and other lifesaving aid.

There truly is no better time to provide help and hope to one displaced person than World Refugee Day!

Your generosity will help meet the most urgent needs of refugees from countries like Ukraine, Syria, Afghanistan, Venezuela, and more.

Please, give your best gift now to help save a life.


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