As a mother, I would do anything to make sure my sons have what they need to succeed.
That’s why I was so touched by Jonas’ story. He was doing everything right as a father, but the coronavirus still kept him from providing for his family.

Jonas worked hard to put food on the table for his wife and children.
He used to drive a motorcycle taxi, carrying passengers on the back of his bike. Since this mode of transportation requires such close contact, though, it was one of the first industries banned when Rwanda went under lockdown at the start of the pandemic.
“I used to leave home with a shopping list every morning, and every evening after work, I would buy the items for my family,” Jonas said. “Due to the coronavirus, I have been forced to consume the little savings I had. After consuming the savings, I finally started going into debt.” He told the shop keepers that once he went back to work, he would clear the debts.
But the lockdown stretched on … and on. And Jonas soon found himself drowning in debt. Some shop keepers even refused to give him any more credit to buy food.
He had no idea what he was going to do — he couldn’t let his family starve!

Then, Jonas received a wonderful gift. Thanks to generous donors like you, he and his family received the food and other essentials they needed.
“This is a miracle to my family!” Jonas said. “We shall survive without me running away from the crying children instead of providing for them as a parent.”
When you help provide emergency essentials like food, clean water, medical care, and hygiene kits, you play a vital part in rescuing families like Jonas’.
You provide hope for hopeless parents who are doing everything right … but still can’t make ends meet during these difficult times. You provide food for starving children. And you show the love of Christ to people in need all around the world.

I know that if I were in Jonas’ situation and someone had stepped in for my family in that way, I would never forget their generosity. And I’m sure you feel the same. That’s the incredible gift that you give to someone when you provide emergency coronavirus relief.
You can make a gift today for as little as $8 to help rescue someone struggling to survive this pandemic. And thanks to a matching gift pledged by our Board members, your donation will double up to $300,000!
Your gift will also help overcome a projected budget shortfall due to canceled events caused by the coronavirus, ensuring people continue receiving aid and experiencing the love of Christ during this pandemic and beyond.
Thank you for coming alongside people like Jonas … for giving them help for today and hope for tomorrow.
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