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Clean Water3 min read


Joseph’s biggest problem? No clean water.

Sam Campbell
Mar 22, 2022

Joseph has watched too many people die in his small Tanzanian village — but not because of food shortages, war, or natural disasters.

“Most people have died because of a lack of clean water,” Joseph said. “The water problem has become the biggest problem, especially in these forgotten villages like ours.”

This World Water Day, will you help make sure people like Joseph aren’t forgotten?

You can do that by providing one person with lifesaving clean water for an entire year. All it takes is $15.

The human body is approximately 60 percent water. Your skin, bones, organs — they all depend on water to survive. Most people can only survive about 3 days without it.

Drinking contaminated water may seem better than having none at all, but it’s still life-threatening.

Instead of going to church or finding jobs, the women in Joseph’s village often have to walk for miles searching for water. They collect what little bit they find and return home. When their children drink this dirty, contaminated water, they risk catching diseases that keep them home instead of attending school.

Parents want to keep their children strong and healthy … but it’s nearly impossible.

A lack of clean water also causes the animals and crops to suffer, which means families in rural areas have less food on the table.

But your $15 gift can make all the difference.

“By having clean water, our lives will totally change,” Joseph said. “We will be confident that our children can go to school and can concentrate on their classes. [There will be] no more diseases caused by dirty water … no more deaths.”

Will you provide this lifesaving resource for someone like Joseph in honor of World Water Day?

Remember, every $15 you give will provide one person with clean water for an entire year.

And your gift won’t just meet physical needs. Since many water projects are completed near local churches, people like Joseph in Tanzania and other parts of the world will have a better chance at hearing the Gospel every time they collect water!

Please give as generously as you can.

When you do, you’ll not only help people like Joseph survive … you’ll remind them that they aren’t forgotten.

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