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Spiritual Development2 min read


A lamp to my feet: sending Bibles to China

April Stumme
Jun 26, 2017

I am a new believer in Christ. In October last year, I came to this church when a friend asked me to come, and two months later, I became a Christian. Praise the Lord!

The transformation happening in China is proof that Christianity thrives under persecution. Deep in the darkest corners of the country, light is breaking through. Despite intense oppression, the Gospel is spreading.

The believer quoted above, whom we’ll call Li to protect his identity, came to know Jesus in spite of the fact that Christians often have to practice their faith in secret. Because a friend introduced him to a local underground church, Li finally found the hope and light for which he had been searching.

And when he became a Christian, his son and wife did, too. They were baptized this past Easter.

Li and his family are desperate to grow in their faith, but they don’t have access to God’s Word.

“There are no Bibles on sale in any bookstore in the city where I live,” Li said. “Please pray for us that our Lord will provide a Bible for my family. It would be best if all three of us could each have our own copy of the Bible; but, if not, even one Bible for our family will be the best gift for us.”

For now, Li’s family is on a waiting list until someone from outside China donates a Bible.

And they aren’t the only ones desperate for the Good News. All across China, new believers are waiting for access to Bibles. Their fledgling faith is trapped in the darkness imposed by persecution. But there is hope for Li and those like him.

Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path – Psalm 119:105 (NKJV)

The Bible can bring light into the darkness of China … and you can help Bibles reach new believers like Li. For $5, you can provide one Bible for a Chinese Christian.

Bibles that make it to China rarely stay with one person. These eager new Christians share the Word of God with their friends, their church family, and anyone else who may be unable to get a copy.

By providing a Bible for someone in China, you’re ensuring a believer has access to the Gospel. You’re providing tools to help the Good News spread.

And you’re bringing light into the darkness.


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