There’s still time to make a difference for impoverished people all around the world in 2013.
There’s still time to reach out
- to an orphaned child in Uganda
- to a struggling mother in Guatemala
- to a family of refugees in Syria
- to an unreached village in Nepal
- to a persecuted believer in North Korea
There’s still time to give hope!
Your tax-deductible gift made before midnight tonight has the power to leave an unforgettable legacy for someone in need in these last hours before a brand-new year begins.
Leave your mark on 2013. Let it be a year defined by love and covered with generosity. Let it be the year that you helped transform a life forever.
We hope you’ll join us in bringing help and hope in these last critical hours of 2013. There’s still time to act. There’s still time to give. There’s still time to change the world.