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Coronavirus4 min read


‘Look for the helpers’

“When I was a boy and I would see scary things in the news, my mother would say to me, ‘Look for the helpers. You will always find people who are helping.’” — Mr. Rogers

The coronavirus has taken away a lot of things from us: our peace of mind, our ability to go out and socialize, and, for some of us, our livelihoods.

But if the coronavirus has given us anything — it’s the opportunity to help others in need now more than ever. 

Here at World Help, one of the things we’ve lost due to the coronavirus is the ability to host our largest fundraising event of the year. Because of that and other canceled events, we now face a $2.3 million budget deficit. And that means, we’ve lost the ability to help thousands of impoverished people — people like Rima.

Rima is a Syrian refugee who was facing her own personal tragedy long before the first news of the coronavirus broke. She had to leave her home, her friends, and we’ve even had to change her name for her safety. 

Since the war drove Rima’s family away, they’ve been struggling just to stay alive.

With all the bad news and panic bombarding us from the media — and on social media — about the coronavirus right now, it’s even harder to hear the cries of help from people like Rima. We’re all too busy scouring the latest news updates, searching for groceries, and adjusting to the “new normal” of social distancing.

I want you to take a moment, though, and stop what you’re doing. Really lean in and listen to this mother’s story … in her own words:

“My husband went to the camp and began selling food coupons. On the weekend, he comes and gives us some money to pay the rent of the house. But the money was not enough to help us survive throughout the month. I started working on cleaning houses to get a little extra money. In the meantime, an operation was done for my son for his kidney because he needed it quickly. We could not continue his treatment because of lack of money. The doctor warned us that if we do not complete the kidney treatment, then this will lead to complications in the kidney.” 

Rima’s husband is forced to sell their vouchers for food rations just to pay rent. And so, their sick son, who desperately needs expensive medical treatment, also now doesn’t have enough nutritious food to eat.

This is just one example of the people who rely on our help. But because of this financial shortfall, we may not be able to help as many families like Rima’s anymore.

Rima’s husband may never be able afford food. Rima’s son may never receive the medical attention he needs. And Rima may lose all hope that one day their troubles will disappear.

But you can help a person like Rima. You can give and help provide vital aid like food, medicine, hygiene kits, and so much more. Your generosity can help keep people alive.

So instead of getting bogged down by all the bad news, look for the helpers … and be a helper to someone in need.

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