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mycause: reclaim your summer

Blog Team
Jul 12, 2012

A child pumping a well in UgandaBall games, beach days, barbeques, and balmy breezes. Welcome back, summer.

It’s the time of year that we naturally kick back and slow down, a time where chasing fireflies and soaking up the sun becomes the national pastime for school-aged children and adults alike.

We have more time—time to think about what really matters most to us and how we can preserve the kind of identity that celebrates living life fully, openly, and authentically. Summer is about more than just relaxing, it’s about restructuring our perspective about what (and who) we should focus on for the rest of the year.

Think about this: What if you used your time this summer to invest in something exciting—something that helped lift people out of poverty and gave them the opportunity to thrive? Tapping into the new mycause platform is the perfect way to get started.

The mycause concept is simple. It’s your way of sharing your passion for ending the World Water Crisis with others online and offering them the chance to give funds to support you.

You may choose to use a special occasion like your birthday, wedding, or anniversary to ask for water instead of conventional gifts. Or you can get creative by asking people to sponsor you as you run, bike, sky dive, or bake towards your goal. You can go solo or pull together a team to be represented on your mycause page. Ultimately, if you can dream it, you can most likely do it using mycause.

Here’s some real-life inspiration from a few mycause pros:

Anita | Goal: $15,000 | Progress: $2,050

Inspiration: Anita was challenged by an event speaker to invest in making a difference in a big way before 2012 ended. Passionate about promoting health and ending hunger, Anita realized that fighting for clean water was going to be her ambition for the year.

Lydia, Morgan, and Carey | Goal: $15,000 | Progress: $450

Campaign Name: “Change for Change”

Strategy: This trio of determined third graders is tackling the water crisis by collecting change by hosting a variety of creative initiatives in their community, including a local carnival and a neighborhood yard sale.

Bay Summit Church | Goal: $15,000 | Progress: $10,390

Why Water?

Water is by far the most important resource for existence. We have seen the suffering and pain caused by a lack of water or by drinking filthy water. God has placed on our hearts the desire to make a difference in the lives of those without. On a physical level, no water means no life.”

A new well providing clean water in a Guatemalan villageThese amazing supporters are prime examples of how you can use mycause to make a difference in the lives of thousands of people this summer. It’s fast, efficient, and easily accessible to the people who are going to help you reach your goal.

Help us reclaim the summer by taking up the clean-water cause. By using your own unique skills, talents, and influence, we can demonstrate that even in our “down time” we’re still able to lift people out of poverty caused by the tragic cycle of dirty water.

Together, we can make 2012 a summer to remember—for us, our supporters, and for all the people around the world who will be taking their first sip of clean water because we chose to act.

Now is the perfect time to start. Learn how >>


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