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Featured Stories3 min read


It’s never too early to start planning for summer

April Stumme
Feb 04, 2018

Vacation Bible School (VBS) is still months away, but chances are your church is already planning. Every year churches use VBS as a special way to reach children with the Gospel. But churches in America aren’t the only ones that use VBS to teach kids about God’s Word.

Last year, 25,000 children attended Vacation Bible School in India!

Most kids living in the slums of India don’t know that Jesus loves them. In fact, many haven’t experienced much love in their lives at all.

But you can help change that.

Your $5 gift today means that one overlooked, underprivileged child will be able to attend VBS this summer and receive personal attention, enjoy crafts and games … and experience the greatest love of all.

For decades, India was governed by an intricate caste system that gave some an easy path to wealth and kept others from good jobs and basic human rights. This caste system has since been formally abolished by the government, but its effects are still present in Indian society.

Children from lower castes are segregated from those who come from generations of wealth and power. They have known the weight of discrimination and prejudice their entire lives.

Thankfully, there is a hope stronger than the caste system — and you can help these kids discover that hope.

These children need Jesus in a dramatic, immediate way. But they also need God’s Word presented in a way that they can understand. Vacation Bible School combines hope with fun, and it’s the perfect way to share the Gospel.

Our partners have an extensive network of churches across India that host a special three-day VBS for children from the lowest castes. These children come to VBS for the promise of food and fun. But they leave with something much more precious — the message that God loves them unconditionally no matter what society says.

When you send a child to Vacation Bible School, you will forever change the life of someone like Sandeep.

Sandeep, 15, lives in a slum in India and was able to attend VBS last year because of someone’s generous gift. He can still remember the love the teachers showed him and how his time with them changed his view of God.

“By attending VBS I found out that Jesus gave His life for me,” Sandeep said. “I came to know that Jesus came to this world to save us.”

Sandeep’s time at Vacation Bible School gave him a gift that he will carry with him for the rest of his life. And the hope that Sandeep now has is something you can give to another child this summer!

For just $5, you can send a child to this special three-day VBS, where he also will receive nutritious food and a Bible workbook to share with his family and friends. So when you invest in the life of one child, you’re actually reaching many people with the Gospel.

Will you give one child the chance to hear about the life-changing love of Jesus?

Sandeep is so grateful that he had the chance to learn about a hope that is greater than any difficulty he will ever face. You can give that same opportunity to another child and transform his world today.


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