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North Korean believers are desperate for Bibles

Vernon Brewer
Oct 10, 2017

I just returned from one of the most volatile places on earth — the North Korean border.

Being so close to such brutality was unsettling, especially when every day, we hear another troubling news report about North Korea. But the stories about missiles and possible war hide the true atrocities happening to the North Korean people.

Here’s a story you won’t hear on the news: Recently, 81 believers were sentenced to a labor camp for their faith. They were forced to perform 12 hours of slave labor a day — even the smallest children and the physically disabled.

But despite the threat of such horrible treatment, believers in North Korea are desperate for God’s Word. They are even willing to risk their lives!

And for only $10, you can send a Bible to a North Korean Christian today.

After returning from my trip, I committed to sending 50,000 Bibles to North Korea by the end of the year. Supplies are rapidly depleting, and I want to start sending 25,000 Bibles by Oct. 31.

But I can’t meet this goal without you! Will you help send Bibles to North Korea for just $10?

The demand for God’s Word in North Korea has never been greater.

“By God’s grace,” our partner said, “the number of Christians inside North Korea has grown rapidly. This is the urgency — the people of North Korea need to be fed the Word of God. But it’s extremely difficult to get Bibles into the country.”

I’ve witnessed what he was talking about with my own eyes — soldiers standing on the border ready to arrest or even shoot without question anyone attempting to get in or out of the country without permission.

And because of the difficulties of getting God’s Word across the borders, the current supply of Bibles is running incredibly low. That’s why I believe God is calling us to send 50,000 Bibles into North Korea by the end of the year. Will you send at least one Bible to a North Korean Christian for just $10? The need is urgent — please respond by Oct. 31.

In the midst of threats, missile testing, and uncertainty, the people of North Korea are searching for eternal hope. That’s why I’m asking you to give right now!

You can make a difference. You can help answer the desperate prayer of a persecuted Christian. And you can help reach the goal of sending 25,000 Bibles by Oct. 31!

For $10, you can place a Bible in the hands of someone longing for God’s Word. Additionally, you will send other life-changing help for persecuted believers and people in need around the world.

Please … I’m begging you … don’t ignore these precious men, women, and children who are suffering for their faith.

There’s never been a greater time to send Bibles to North Korean Christians and seekers. As believers, you and I are called to be the light of the world. Today, you can bring light to one of the most spiritually dark places on earth. You can send a Bible for just $10.

But please, act fast! I need to hear back from you as soon as possible so we can meet our goal of providing 25,000 Bibles to North Korea by Oct. 31!

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