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Help smuggle God’s Word into North Korea

Help smuggle God’s Word into North Korea

North Korea has once again been ranked as the most dangerous and deadly country in the world for Christians. Being discovered can mean imprisonment, abuse, or even death. But for believers living in persecution, the truth of the Gospel has taken all fear out of prison and torture. The underground church is expanding, and North Korean Christians are begging for the Word of God.

All it takes is $10 to help smuggle one Bible into North Korea.

In one of the darkest places on earth, you can shine the light of Jesus. And it all starts when you decide to stand with your brothers and sisters in Christ and help provide them with the comfort of God’s Word.

North Korea has once again been ranked as the most dangerous and deadly country in the world for Christians. Being discovered can mean imprisonment, abuse, or even death. But for believers living in persecution, the truth of the Gospel has taken all fear out of prison and torture. The underground church is expanding, and North Korean Christians are begging for the Word of God.

Right now, you can help smuggle one Bible into North Korea for only $10.

In one of the darkest places on earth, you can shine the light of Jesus. And it all starts when you decide to stand with your brothers and sisters in Christ and help provide them with the comfort of God’s Word.

Persecution in North Korea

Christians in North Korea must practice their faith in secret. They can’t meet together to worship or tell others about Jesus. If they are caught with a Bible, singing a hymn, or praying, they can face up to 15 years in a labor camp.

Life in the camps is unbearable. Believers are forced to work 12 hours a day and are frequently beaten with metal rods. If they try to escape, they will most likely be shot or tortured. Even if they survive, many will suffer from post-traumatic stress for the rest of their lives.

But despite the danger, North Korean Christians know that Jesus is worth any risk, and they continue to beg for more Bibles.

Today, you can send the gift of God’s Word to a persecuted Christian in North Korea.

Persecution in North Korea

Christians in North Korea must practice their faith in secret. They can’t meet together to worship or tell others about Jesus. If they are caught with a Bible, singing a hymn, or praying, they can face up to 15 years in a labor camp.

Life in the camps is unbearable. Believers are forced to work 12 hours a day and are frequently beaten with metal rods. If they try to escape, they will most likely be shot or tortured. Even if they survive, many will suffer from post-traumatic stress for the rest of their lives.

But despite the danger, North Korean Christians know that Jesus is worth any risk, and they continue to beg for more Bibles.

Today, you can send the gift of God’s Word to a persecuted Christian in North Korea.

How you can help


As Christians, we need to pray for our brothers and sisters in North Korea. Click below to download free resources that will help direct your prayers as you intercede for persecuted believers.

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In addition to praying, you can provide hope and encouragement to a persecuted believer by sending him a Bible. Every $10 will provide one Bible to a persecuted believer!

Give $10 Now


As Christians, we need to pray for our brothers and sisters in North Korea. Click below to download free resources that will help direct your prayers as you intercede for persecuted believers.


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In addition to praying, you can provide hope and encouragement to a persecuted believer by sending him a Bible. Every $10 will provide one Bible to a persecuted believer!

Give $10 Now

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Frequently Asked Questions

Have recent peace talks improved conditions for North Korean Christians?
Both South Korea’s president and President Trump have recently met for peace talks with Kim Jong Un. But these talks have focused on issues other than human rights abuses. The situation for North Korean believers remains as dangerous as ever. Still, Christians around the world are praying these talks will open doors for improvements in the future.

What translation of the Bible do you provide?
This varies because not all translations are available in all languages. But we make sure to always provide accurate, reliable translations so the Gospel is clearly presented to those who receive a Bible.
In what language are the Bibles World Help provides?
They are in the native languages and dialects of the people who receive them. We believe it is important for people to be able to read God’s Word in the language that they are most comfortable with and can most easily understand.

Isn’t it dangerous to provide Bibles in countries where they are illegal?
Yes. In many of the countries we work in, it is dangerous for our partners to distribute Bibles and for Christians to own them. But our partners and the Christians they serve request Bibles anyway. They believe that growing closer to Jesus is worth the risk. And we believe it’s important to support these persecuted Christians by honoring that request.
In what countries is it most difficult or dangerous to distribute Bibles?
In North Korea, being caught with a Bibles is grounds for up to a 15-year sentence in a labor camp. In China, owning a copy of God’s Word is one of the ways underground Christians are recognized and targeted for persecution. Still, believers in both countries continue to beg for more Bibles.

Who doesn’t have access to Bibles?
Often, it’s the people facing other difficulties like persecution, war, or extreme poverty. In areas where Christians are seen as outsiders, Bibles are nearly nonexistent. Impoverished Christ-followers simply can’t afford them, and refugees must frequently leave their Bibles behind when they flee their homes.

Can I donate extra Bibles I have at home?
We do not accept donations of physical Bibles at this time. Many of the Bibles we provide are printed in the country where they are distributed. This is more cost-effective than shipping them from the United States, which means we can provide more Bibles in the long run. If you do have extra Bibles, consider donating them to local churches or homeless shelters.

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