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Middle East1 min read


It’s not too late to honor your dad

Melissa Schultz
Jun 17, 2017

Father’s Day is just around the corner, and maybe you’re stumped about what to get your dad.

Here’s the solution: Give your dad a gift that will save a life.

Your gift of $35 — given in honor of your dad — provides a refugee father with the resources he needs to provide for his family. You also can send your father a personalized e-card sharing his impact.

Imagine how welcome your gift of essentials such as emergency food, clean water, clothing, hygiene items, and medical aid will be for a refugee family.

With these supplies, one refugee father will be able to care for his family again. He will have the freedom to focus on encouraging his wife and children in the difficult days ahead now that their immediate needs are met.

You can honor your father’s dedication, love, and commitment by helping another father do the same for his children. Just $35 will shine a light in one of the darkest places on earth.

This year, say “Happy Father’s Day” in a powerful way he won’t forget!


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