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Disaster Relief1 min read


Now comes the hard part ...

Central America is eerily quiet today compared to how loud it was last week during Hurricane Eta’s howling winds and pouring rains.

“I think the river is going to burst,” our Guatemala partner said Thursday night. “You won’t believe the noise it’s making. The whole mountain is shaking … please ask our people to pray!”

Now that the torrential downpours from Hurricane Eta and the life-threatening mudslides have stopped, people are wondering what to do next.

In the worst moments of the storm, it was clear what people needed to do.

They needed to get out … get safe.

But now comes the hard part — trying to pick up the pieces.

“Some houses are full of dirt. Some of them collapsed. Some of them are filled with water,” our partner said. “We now need to figure out where they go from here.”

People are feeling overwhelmed. Will you help lift this burden together with them? Will you help set them on the path to recovery?

Every $50 you can spare will provide lifesaving relief like food, clothing, shelter, and more to a hurricane victim in Guatemala, Honduras, or Nicaragua.

Today, on this Lord’s Day, my prayer is that we all do what we can to lift up our brothers and sisters who are struggling to survive and figure out what comes next.

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