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Coronavirus4 min read


Now is not the time to give into fear

The coronavirus has us all struggling to cope in a world that’s changing minute by minute. And here at World Help we are feeling the strain. Fundraising events and Children of the World concerts have been canceled.

I estimate World Help is on the verge of a $2.3 million shortfall due to the cancellation of these events. And that could mean the people who are in need won’t receive the physical help and spiritual hope they are waiting on.

So I’m asking you today to give an emergency gift to help make sure that doesn’t happen.   

In times like these charitable donations dwindle. That’s why your support is more critical than ever.

But while panic is rising all around us, I want us to take one moment to be still and reflect on a verse God has impressed upon me:

For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind. – 2 Timothy 1:7 (NKJV)

Now is not the time to give in to fear. Ultimately, as people of faith, we put our trust in the Lord and know He’s in control.

Will you please make a generous gift today — without fear — to help a mother trying to feed her starving child? Or save a baby suffering from a waterborne disease and malnutrition who is too weak to cry? Or give relief to the refugee struggling to find medical care? And provide hope to the persecuted believer still waiting to receive the comfort of a Bible?

I hope you won’t forget how critical your support is right now. I don’t want to have to cancel any programs or see anyone waiting for help go without the physical aid and spiritual hope they need. But I need your help to erase the shortfall to ensure this doesn’t happen.

These people you can help through your generosity are hit even harder during times of economic instability and insecurity. Trust me when I say that your support has never been more critical.

Don’t let panic drown out the voices of people crying out for help — help they’re waiting on you to provide.

Right now, your World Help family is praying for you, for your family, and for your well-being. We care about you and your safety. And we know that you care about others. Please show love today by sending a gift to help rescue people in need.

That’s what being a world changer is all about. You never back down, even in the darkest hours. You fight for those who can’t speak for themselves. More than anything, you think of others … even during times of crisis.

Will you please help erase the shortfall and ensure men, women, and children in need around the world receive the help they desperately need? Their lives depend on it.  That’s why your help is urgently needed … today.

Now is the time to continue to do good in a frightened world. So, please give today to help — and to show the love of Christ to people desperately trying to survive.

We’re all in this together.

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