Someone recently asked me, “What is your favorite place to travel?” At the time, I didn’t have an answer. There are many countries that hold a special place in my heart. But after the incredible week I just had in Cuba, I can say this beautiful nation is definitely in the top few.
In the 24 years that World Help has been involved in Cuba, we have seen more spiritual growth and revival than in nearly any other place where we have worked.
Since 2010 alone, we’ve seen 2,731 house churches started by church planters. And those churches have led to more than 121,000 new people professing faith in Christ! It’s incredible what God is doing in Cuba, but the work isn’t finished.
“Cuba para Cristo” (Cuba for Christ) is the rallying cry shared by church planters across Cuba. These men and women truly believe that God is doing a great work in their country, and they are passionate about sharing His love with others.
While there, I got the chance to visit a number of their churches; let me tell you, that rallying cry is working. The people are on fire for God. They are passionate about evangelism, discipleship, and growing His Kingdom.
I had the privilege of delivering new musical instruments and study Bibles to some of these church planters. I wish you could have seen the joy on their faces. A local worship band, called “Go and Tell” had been leading worship with the same instruments for over 20 years, making do with what they had. But when they saw the new instruments, they immediately began to play and praise the Lord.

That night, they led a time of powerful worship for a packed church service. Twenty people even responded by choosing to become Christ-followers!
As I listened to their songs and witnessed the church planters’ passion for their people, I felt honored to be part of it. I want to invite you to be part of it, too.
The church in Cuba and around the world is growing, but they need your help to continue. These church planters work tirelessly, with little money and few resources. Churches often meet in homes because there simply isn’t anywhere else to go, and there are not enough Bibles to meet the growing number of believers.

But when you support a church planter, you provide the encouragement and training they need to continue — and grow — their ministry. You help meet the needs of the church and allow them to share the love of Jesus with people who desperately need Him. By supporting your brothers and sisters in Christ, you become the hands and feet of Jesus to the lost.
For just $50, you can support a church planter and help grow his or her ministry. Your gift will provide essentials like food and transportation as well as the training and resources needed to plant more churches.
Will you allow God to use you to continue bringing Cuba, and many other nations around the world, to Christ?