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From the Field1 min read


On the Syrian border: Dropping everything to flee

Vernon Brewer
Apr 27, 2018

While in the Middle East this week, I stood on the Syrian border and watched as countless people poured out of the country of their birth.

A few arrived in cars, but many people piled out of buses. They dragged small suitcases and trash bags containing the possessions they were able to grab before they fled their homes. Their entire lives have been reduced to just a couple of bags.

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At the end of this trip, I get to go home. But most of the refugees I watched cross the border don’t know if they’ll ever go home.

Since the beginning of the Syrian civil war, more than half of the country’s population has been displaced. Many have been living in crowded, dirty camps for years. And they often feel like the world has forgotten them and moved on. 

I sometimes worry that this may be the case … that we’ve become overwhelmed by hearing about this great need so much on the news. But if we get weary just hearing about what refugees are going through, imagine how tired and discouraged they must be.

So I’m begging you — please don’t forget these desperate men, women, and children.

For just $35 today, you can give one refugee lifesaving supplies such as food, medicine, and clothing for more than a week. You can help someone survive and remind them that you still care.

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