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From the Field2 min read


On the Syrian border: Refugees face more than one enemy

Vernon Brewer
Mar 11, 2019
I often get asked, “Vernon, why do you keep traveling back to refugee camps on the Syrian border?”

For me, the answer is simple. Because ISIS has not yet been completely defeated. Because these refugees still can’t return home. And because they and their loves ones are still in dire need of our help.

I recently got back from the Syrian border where refugees are struggling to survive every day. Although ISIS now officially controls only one small pocket of Syria, there are still dangerous cells throughout the country, and people are scared to return home.

But ISIS isn’t the only enemy refugee families are worried about. Starvation, untreated illnesses, and exposure to the weather are constant, deadly threats. For just $35, you can help provide $189 worth of food, medicine, clothing, and other necessities that could be the difference between life and death for a refugee.

Hasna, one of the women I met in the camp, barely survived fleeing ISIS in Syria. In fact, some of her family didn’t make it out alive. And now her greatest fear is losing more of her loved ones — especially her children. That’s why she is incredibly grateful for the food and other critical supplies generous donors have given her.

But many refugee families around the world still need help. They shouldn’t have to continue suffering without access to healthy meals, lifesaving medical treatment, clean water, and clothing.

The pain of war and violence is hard enough. Will you help provide the care a refugee like Hasna desperately needs so she won’t have to experience hunger and disease, too?

Your $35 gift will help meet a refugee’s most urgent physical needs, but it will also help share the Gospel.

Our partners in the camps often have a chance to pray with families while distributing supplies, and many even ask to learn more about Jesus. After experiencing so much hatred in their countries, refugees are desperate for the love of Christ you show through your compassionate giving.

Your generosity can help save lives … and help introduce people to the Gospel.

Whether you’ve given before to help refugees or not, I hope you will rescue one person today.

I’ve seen the need — and the difference your gift can make — firsthand. As you go throughout the rest of your day, please remember the faces in this video, and please give what you can to help.


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