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Child Development1 min read


Overcoming Poverty Through Education

Amanda Mattingly
Jul 10, 2012

Children at Gilgal Children's Home receiving school supplies

Too often, a life of poverty means that a child must go without education.

In third world countries, opportunities for receiving an education are scarce. Many villages do not have school buildings, and children must travel miles at a time just to reach a school; some must spend their days working to support their families; and for others, the fees are simply too high.

This lack of schooling ultimately keeps them from acquiring the knowledge and skills that will lead them out of poverty and into self-sufficiency.

However, for children in our child sponsorship program, education is a reality.

One of our programs, the Gilgal Children’s Home in Churachandpur, India, provides schooling for more than 260 underprivileged children. They used to think that education was just a dream. But through sponsorship, it’s a dream that has come true!

Gilgal Children’s Home recently presented the results of their students’ year-end exams, which determine if the senior students will graduate high school. Their results were outstanding! Of the 31 students that participated, 29 of them passed their tests in the first division while 2 students passed in the second division.

NiangthiankimAmong those in the first division, one young girl named  Niangthiankim ranked seventeenth in the entire state, becoming the first person from Gilgal to ever achieve a state rank! And we know there will be many more accomplishments like this to come from the students at the Gilgal Children’s Home.

What an incredible accomplishment this is for Niangthiankim, a former member of our 2001-2002 Children of the World choir. This achievement is a testament to both her diligence and the quality of education at the children’s home. “If not for the love, prayer, and support you have given to [these students], they would not have reached this far in their studies,” our partner said.

Sponsors are truly making a difference in the lives of children around the world. Your compassion is empowering, and your involvement in their lives is enough to change their futures!

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