I need your help.
Right now, we have emergency food and medical supplies packed and ready to leave our warehouse … but we don’t have the funds to ship them. And these supplies need to be sent now — because people are dying.
The intense summer heat means people are more vulnerable than ever to disease … dehydration … even death.
That’s why I need you. Every $1 you send will multiply to provide $33 of emergency aid to someone in critical need!
Every time I visit the Middle East, I’m blown away by how terrible the situation is for refugees … especially in the summer. They have little protection against the blazing temperatures and the threat of heat stroke.

Even worse than the heat are the food and water shortages. Dirty living conditions. Illness and disease.
Without your support, critical supplies such as food, clean water, and medicine may never make it to refugees and other people who need them most.
You have the unique opportunity to help someone like Adelina. I’ve changed her name because she’s still in danger from ISIS, but she’s a 50-year-old Christian who was forced to flee her village outside of Mosul.
After enduring horrible treatment from ISIS, Adelina and her family fled their home one night. They were terrified their escape would be discovered, but they finally arrived safely at a refugee camp.
Unfortunately, they soon discovered their struggle to survive was not over. Camp supplies were dangerously low, and more refugees were arriving every day.

That’s when a gift of lifesaving items such as emergency food and medical supplies arrived just in time.
“It’s much better than living with ISIS, especially when God sends us your food packages, medical supplies, and care packages,” Adelina said. “It was very useful, helpful, and covers our persistent need.”
You can help a family in dire need — right now — by shipping emergency aid supplies!
Here’s how it works:
• Generous corporate donors and grants provide critically needed items such as medical supplies, staple foods, durable clothing, and hygiene kits.
• These valuable supplies are in our warehouse — but they need to be shipped!
• Your gift will send the lifesaving supplies to the people who need them!
Every dollar you give sends $33 in emergency aid and supplies to people like Adelina, who are hungry and struggling to hold on.
Imagine the relief when someone receives a shipment of food and medical supplies (and more). All because of you!
We’re in the brutal summer months. Each day people suffer from the heat without relief, and we needed to ship these supplies yesterday.
That’s why I’m asking you to respond soon so we can ship these critical supplies as soon as possible.
And when you give, please pray as your shipment goes out to families in desperate need … this is truly a matter of life and death.