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After Phailin | Needs in India

Blog Team
Oct 24, 2013

Nearly two weeks ago, super storm Cyclone Phailin blasted into eastern India. The gale forces destroyed 200,000 homes and displaced cities upon cities of families.

With the help of many compassionate givers, we were able to respond almost instantly and channel funds to our partners on the ground. This network of church planters and humanitarian aid officials went into action immediately to supply food, makeshift tents, clean water, and much more . . .  reaching devastated Indian families literally overnight.

Cyclone Phailin aid

While we praise God that thousands were spared through a widespread evacuation, our hearts ache for those who lost loved ones and thousands who are materially devastated. The storm took a toll on more than just homes . . . it has permanently uprooted countless livelihoods.

The already delicate infrastructure of agricultural communities has been shaken to the core. The storm wiped out crops, farms, and businesses, erasing lifetimes of work in just one day. Phailin has also decimated water systems throughout coastal India, leaving dozens of communities without access to clean water.

Disaster relief

But now, thousands of people have returned to what little they could salvage from their homes. They have nothing left, and with no choice but to start over from scratch. The next months will challenge everything these people know. They will face the daily battle against destitution, hunger, and uncertainty.

Our hope is to help in the recovery process as much as possible. Right now, the need for clean water and food supplies is critical. Over the coming weeks and months, the needs will fluctuate, but the urgency will remain. For every dollar we raise, our national partners can respond immediately with desperately-needed resources.

Cyclone Phailin recovery

Please join us in praying for these Indian families and communities. Pray that relief efforts will be effective, the healing process quick, and the new foundations being laid will be stronger than ever.

Any amount you can contribute to these efforts will be much appreciated by a family in need. Thank you for your compassionate response and ongoing prayers for those facing Phailin’s aftermath.

India Cyclone Relief


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