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Pray For Egypt: Christians Targeted in Attacks

Blog Team
Aug 23, 2013

The rise and fall of regimes all over the Arab world has grown into widespread crises in recent years.

Violence in the nation of Egypt has erupted since the July overthrow of former President Mohammed Morsi, the aftermath of which has already claimed the lives of nearly 1,000 Egyptians. One of the direct results has been hate-fueled terrorist attacks specifically targeting Christians. Mobs have ransacked churches, burned homes, tortured families, and beheaded pastors.

Persecuted church

Over the past few days, the terror has escalated to a frightening level. Reports from dozens of news sources have detailed the most recent terrorist incidents: attacks on a Christian school and church.

The school’s staff was swarmed with militants and their classrooms looted of all valuable items.  The church, St. Mary’s Monastery in Minya was desecrated, demolished, and turned into a place of worship for the extremists. It was the oldest archeological church in Egypt.

Egypt’s professing believers are facing the reality that any day could be their last. Thousands of Coptic Christians have gone into hiding, while others have fled the country entirely.

But there is a remnant who believes this is one of the most crucial times in history . . . that even while persecution is at its height, the hope of the Gospel has the power to work miracles and change hearts.

These courageous believers are a part of World Help’s global network of church planters, pastors, evangelists, and community leaders who are determined to share the Good News, no matter what the cost. They are our partners . . . our friends . . . our brothers and sisters in faith.

Please join us in praying for these fearless believers as they face these incredible dangers . . . yet continue to share the Gospel, even under threat of death.

Christian persecution

Here are three specific ways you can pray:

Pray for Peace. Pray that God’s hand would be on Egypt and the other Arab nations during this wave of revolution. Pray for the leaders of these nations to seek peace and reconciliation for their people.

Pray for Endurance. The road may be very long and difficult for these Egyptian believers. Pray that they would be strengthened in their faith daily and be comforted by fellow believers. Pray for their hearts to be encouraged in ways they never thought possible.

Pray for the Persecutors. Pray that God would work in the hearts of the extremists who are behind this terrible violence. Pray that He would use Christ followers in strategic ways, and lives will be miraculously transformed.

We may not be able to stop the violence or change the hearts of people, but we can pray. Not because we believe there’s nothing else that can be done, but because we believe it’s one of the most powerful things we can do. God hears the prayers of his people, and even in the face of unimaginable evil, He is willing and able to accomplish the impossible for his glory.

Please take this moment to join Christ followers all around the world as we pray for believers in Egypt and throughout the Middle East. Thank you. 


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