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Bibles2 min read


Prayer that leaves a mark

Kelsey Campbell
Oct 23, 2018

“We had a small room over the kitchen, an attic,” Won explained. “After 27 years of kneeling, there are grooves in the floor to mark the place I have prayed.”

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Won’s wrinkled skin hangs loosely over her frail bones. Weak from age and weary from a hard life in North Korea, she still kneels — without fear — and prays.

I’ve changed her name since she lives in danger of being discovered as a Christian.

So what is Won praying for? That the secret believers in her secluded country will one day be able to hold a Bible in their hands.

North Korea is one of the most spiritually dark places in the world — and it is the most dangerous area for Christians. But that hasn’t kept men and women from seeking God’s Word and holding onto His promises.

It is Won’s mission, even at an elderly age, to smuggle Bibles into North Korea. This great woman of faith doesn’t simply pray; she takes action. And when our partner asked why she would risk her life to deliver the Scriptures across the border, she responded: “What else can they do but kill me?”

Death means nothing to her as long as her fellow North Koreans get to experience everlasting life.

Many fearless believers like Won are begging for more Bibles they can secretly distribute in North Korea. Will you help answer their pleas?

Nov. 4 is International Day of Prayer for the Persecuted Church. On this day, will you honor one suffering believer’s request by sending God’s Word to North Korea?

All it takes is $10 to deliver a Bible into the hands of a North Korean believer or seeker.

While the people of North Korea need our prayers now more than ever, they also need our compassion and generosity. Oppressed believers do not pray to be spared of their persecution; instead, the one thing they consistently pray for is to own a copy of the Bible … even if it costs them their lives.

This International Day of Prayer, lives will be changed for Christ. We believe this because we know that prayer transforms. And prayer — together with  God’s Word — can radically transform the nation of North Korea.

Please pray for this closed country that is home to 300,000 persecuted Christians — a fourth of which are in political prison camps. And please give $10 so a secret believer can know the comfort of owning a Bible.

Both actions will leave an indelible mark on the life of a North Korean.

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