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Reports2 min read


Providing the tools to save a life

April Stumme
Mar 25, 2017

When Lorena, 32, started experiencing severe stomach pain, she decided she wouldn’t let it hold her back.

She was young and tough. She had a life to live and children to care for.

Lorena ignored the pain and its warning symptoms. For months, she tried to manage her discomfort with pills.

But one morning, everything changed. When Lorena woke up, the pain was much worse. She tried to get out of bed to summon help, but she could barely sit up … and walking was impossible.

When her children found her, they rushed her to the nearest hospital.

The doctors ran tests and then delivered the bad news: Lorena had a stomach tumor. It was dangerous but treatable with surgery … as long as the hospital had the necessary equipment.

You see, Lorena lives in Guatemala. 

Because of rampant poverty, hospitals in Guatemala are not properly equipped and are often missing supplies they need to save lives.

Without this equipment, simple problems with easy solutions go unsolved, and people who could have been healed grow sicker — and sometimes die.

Lorena’s treatable illness had the potential to become a death sentence … just because of where she lived.

But your love made the difference.

You helped send a container full of medical supplies to hospitals in Guatemala. Because of your generosity, tens of thousands of people were able to receive the medical help they needed.

Including Lorena.

Lorena and her children are incredibly grateful for the supplies that allowed the doctors to treat her. But they aren’t the only ones in need of this kind of help.

Many Guatemalans continue to go without adequate health care because hospitals and clinics lack supplies and equipment. But you can help change that today.

You can ensure that hospitals are fully equipped to change lives … and to save them.

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