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Rabbits multiply blessings

Kelsey Campbell
Dec 07, 2017

Melvin and Alba Gutierrez were struggling to feed their four children. Living in an impoverished community in Guatemala, Melvin barely made enough at his construction job to provide for his family’s immediate needs. And since Alba stayed at home to care for the children, they had to rely on a single income.

There were nights when they all went to bed with stomachs constricting with hunger.

Who would have thought that a couple of rabbits could completely transform this family’s well-being … and their future?

But that’s just what happened. Through the generosity of one person, the Gutierrez family received this life-changing gift.

“This donation has given my family the opportunity to generate some financial support because we are able to sell some of the rabbits that have reproduced,” Melvin explained.

These rabbits weren’t simply another source of income, but also a source of nutrition. With the addition of meat to their diet, the family’s health quickly improved.

A pair of rabbits may seem like a small gift, especially since it costs only $20 to send a pair to a family in need. The cost may be small, but the impact is enormous! After receiving these rabbits, families like the Gutierrezes become self-sufficient and are able to provide for themselves for years to come.

With an additional income and healthier diets, this family’s dire situation has transformed into a hope-filled future! And the Gutierrez family couldn’t be more grateful for this new blessing of provision.

Even though they never met the person who provided their rabbits, they wanted to share their appreciation:

“Thank you for being a part of the change and blessing that has impacted our lives and has given us a better and healthier quality of life. God bless you!”

When you give through the World Help Gifts catalog, you are sending long-lasting help to a family in need. You’ll be multiplying their blessings and sending abundant joy.


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