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Coronavirus4 min read


Ravens: the original food delivery service

Kelsey Campbell
Apr 15, 2020

Then the word of the Lord came to Elijah: “Leave here, turn eastward and hide in the Kerith Ravine, east of the Jordan.  You will drink from the brook, and I have directed the ravens to supply you with food there.” — 1 Kings 17:2-4 (NIV)

Many restaurants have closed their dining rooms and resorted to delivery or curbside service. We’re relying more and more on people bringing us food — either to our homes or to our cars.

And it’s all in an effort to keep us safe.

It’s a lot like the days of Elijah. God urged Elijah to go into hiding to keep him safe from King Ahab and his wife, Jezebel. But even though Elijah needed to be secluded, God still met all of his basic needs.

God could have used any method He chose in order to meet Elijah’s needs. And it’s interesting that He chose birds to keep His servant safe. What an unusual way to make sure Elijah didn’t have to come out of hiding but still had plenty to eat!

Then again, God can use anything — and anyone — to accomplish His purposes. Today, perhaps God wants to use YOU.

People around the world have been forced into isolation by the coronavirus. In many places, they don’t have convenient ways to get food like we do here in the U.S. They don’t have grocery delivery or pickup. Many grocery stores are closed or empty anyway. And they certainty don’t have apps where with a few clicks they can have someone bring food to their door.

Hunger is and will continue to be one of the greatest needs for impoverished nations throughout the coronavirus pandemic. In some cases, the effects of hunger could be more devastating than the actual virus.

That’s why your gift today is so powerful.

When you give, you will meet someone’s most essential needs like providing lifesaving food, clean water, and hygiene items. Every $8 you give is enough to help two people.

When you send aid to impoverished families, they can stay safe at home and won’t be forced to go out looking for food and supplies some other way. Right now, everyone should have the right to remain in their homes and practice social distancing. And with your gift, you’ll be empowering families to do just that.

In Honduras, families have resorted to wading through medical waste and other dangerous materials in their local garbage dumps just to find something to eat. In another country, people have reported standing in long lines at stores for hours with large groups of people only to come away with a small can or two of food in the end.

But your gift can help make sure they are able to stay home keep their families healthy.

And thanks to a generous matching gift by World Help Board members, your donation to the coronavirus emergency fund will DOUBLE up to $235,000. So, you will help 2X as many people in countries like Honduras, India, Guatemala, and Zambia.

You’ll also help families in here in the United States since part of your gift will be used to distribute food for out-of-work Americans and hygiene kits for vulnerable seniors and high-risk individuals.

Like the ravens, you’ll be bringing critical aid to these people right when it’s needed most.

Hiding away from King Ahab must have been an extremely stressful time for Elijah. But I believe he found peace in knowing that, no matter what, God was going to meet his most basic needs. Because that’s what God does. He provides.

If God is calling you to be the means that a family receives food, I hope you’ll answer His call today. Your gift of food and other aid will DOUBLE to help as many people as possible.

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