Maybe you’ve always had a heart for reaching the world with the Gospel — but for one reason or another, you haven’t been able to go yourself.
Health conditions, family obligations, and vocational limitations are real restrictions that keep many Christians from going to the mission field.
The good news is this: Even if you never set foot in another country, you can help share the Gospel with the unreached around the world.
How? By supporting global church planting.
In Nepal, church planting begins by building one-on-one relationships and sharing the Gospel.
Timothy — a church planter in the remote village of Chaku — spends his days visiting the sick, praying for them, and sharing the Gospel. He also helps out around the village and seeks to meet people’s needs so he can build trust and eventually invite them to church.

But Timothy wouldn’t be able to effectively minister to these people without generous supporters on the other side of the world. Over the years, generosity people like you have allowed him to receive training that helped him become a better evangelist for Christ and have provided support so his church can thrive and reach more people within the community.
Previously, there were few believers in Chaku. But in the aftermath of the devastating 2015 Nepali earthquake, Timothy has seen more and more people eager to learn about Christ. Your generous giving helps his ministry – and others like him — meet the needs of people hungry for God’s Word.
“By the grace of God, the numbers of believers are increasing day by day at Chaku village,” Timothy said. “It is my hope and prayer that one day God will make Chaku village an example Christian village in our district.”

This community has been transformed by the faithful investment of a few believers in the ministry of one passionate church planter. And you can have that same impact in another village when you empower a national like Timothy to reach his own people with the message of Jesus Christ.
When you invest in church planting, you help send godly leaders into some of the least-reached areas of the world.
Few foreign Christians will ever make their way into a tiny village like Chaku, Nepal. But because of the work of godly church planters, this remote place is hearing about Jesus for the first time.
What was once a spiritually dark community is slowly opening up to the light. And that’s all because of supporters like you.

Just because you can’t move overseas doesn’t mean you can’t have an incredible impact on the spiritually broken of this world. When you choose to invest in church planting, you open many doors for the Gospel to impact and transform lives forever.
Earthly things will pass away, but the work you do for the kingdom of God will last forever.
Invest in the kingdom today by sharing the Gospel with the unreached!