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From the Field2 min read


Reaching India and Nepal With Help and Hope

Vernon Brewer
Feb 17, 2013

Today, I’m on my way to the other side of the world . . . to the Hindu kingdoms of Nepal and India.

Some of my most vivid impressions of poverty and hopelessness occurred on my visits to these incredible nations. Such as visiting the Ganges River, where 80 million Hindu pilgrims will ceremonially bathe this year in the largest human gathering on earth. And traveling to the Himalayas, the home of thousands of unreached people groups who have never once heard about the hope of Christ.

Indian children

I am arriving during a tremendous window of opportunity—a time when more people can be reached with the life-changing hope of Christ than perhaps ever before. A time when human trafficking and religious oppression are at their peak . . . when orphaned and abandoned children are too numerous to count. The need is overwhelming, and the time for help and hope is now.

We will visit children’s homes and schools where thousands of children are being fed, educated, and taught about the love of God through World Help’s Child Sponsorship Program. Many of our past and present Children of the World choir members have come from these homes and are now serving in the surrounding communities.


We will meet with dozens of church planters who are risking their lives every day to bring the Gospel to some of the most hostile areas of religious persecution on earth. The vast majority of Nepal and India remain unreached—millions have never heard the name of Jesus . . . not even once. There’s nowhere in the world more strategic in reaching people who are wandering in spiritual darkness—who have been captive to class oppression and religious persecution for centuries.


Over the next several days, I want to show you how you can be a part of reaching an area of the world where few have been willing to go—where there are more opportunities than ever to bring help for today and hope for tomorrow.

To receive daily insights into the work our team is doing in India and Nepal, subscribe to my blog today. Another great way to stay plugged in is to follow along on Twitter and Facebook. You’ll get an inside look at the needs, the people, the partners we work with, and find out more about how you can join us in being Jesus on the ground.

I invite you to join me in praying for our team as we continue to discover even more ways to make a difference, and meet the desperate needs of some of the most vulnerable people in our world.


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