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Featured Stories3 min read


Refugee children face the brutal heat without water

Vernon Brewer
Jul 25, 2017

Iraq’s intense summer heat is making life unbearable for refugees, especially children.

The story I’m about to tell you is tragic and heartbreaking … but I hope it will show you the great need for us to take action. By choosing to act now, your help can save a life.

Your generous gift of $35 will provide $189 worth of desperately needed aid such as food, clean water, and medical supplies to struggling refugees in Iraq.

You’ll also help fight back against ISIS!

When I first heard the story of a boy whom I’ll call Hakim for safety, I couldn’t believe my ears. Unfortunately, his story is true. Children like Hakim need your love and generosity now more than ever.

Hakim was a happy, 7-year-old boy living in a small rural village with his family. But then ISIS arrived … and Hakim’s world was ripped apart.

ISIS troops slaughtered Hakim’s parents and took him hostage along with 30 other boys and girls. These children were used as human shields and forced to endure labor meant for adults.

It’s hard to comprehend the kind of evil that could orphan and exploit helpless children. But it’s this very evil that you can fight against when you support a refugee in need. I’m begging you to help!

Recently, these children were rescued by government forces and are now living together in a refugee camp. But their struggle for survival isn’t over.

They don’t have enough food, clean water, shoes, clothing, or hygiene supplies.

And now that summer temperatures are climbing — often above 100 degrees — their struggle has only intensified. The stifling heat puts children especially at risk for dehydration.

Even though Hakim and the others live every day crammed into unbearable, overcrowded living conditions, they’ve never felt so alone. They need a helping hand. They need you!

Your gift today can make all the difference. You can provide comfort and hope to a child refugee who has lost everything to ISIS … with your gift of $35.

Your $35 multiplies because it’s used to ship donated food, clothing, and medicine to Iraq. Many donated items are sitting in our warehouse … waiting to be sent to children and families in need. But these precious supplies don’t do the children any good sitting here!

When you ship these lifesaving provisions, you help a refugee child or family who has experienced untold horrors. Your love and compassion will show a man, woman, or vulnerable child they are not alone. It shows them they haven’t been forgotten — by God or by you.

What an incredible way for you to personally make a difference for one traumatized refugee.

The summer heat is coming, and it means increased suffering for the children. But you can help!

Please pray for Hakim and other children like him. And please send help today.


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