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India children’s center program update

Program Update

Published: March 29, 2019

Children's Program Update


Thank you for sponsoring a child in India. Your ongoing support has changed a life forever.

We want to let you know what your sponsored child and other kids in the program have been up to this year … all because of your compassionate giving.

Holiday celebrations

Your sponsorship provides important essentials like healthy food, clothing, and educational opportunities. But it also helps your sponsored child celebrate special moments in life. During the past year, the children celebrated Indian Independence Day, Teacher’s Day, Children’s Day, Christmas, and New Year’s with special parties.

They were thrilled to receive reusable water bottles as a gift on Children’s Day and blankets and towels for Christmas. In November, the children were also treated to a picnic and day at the lake.

Health and hygiene education

Learning good health practices is an important part of your sponsored child’s long-term education. In September, doctors and nurses visited the children’s program to examine the kids and provide free medicine to those suffering from fevers and colds. The children were also visited by special guests who taught them about dental hygiene.

Once a month the children receive a hygiene kit filled with hair oil, toothpaste, soaps, shampoo, and Vaseline so they can keep themselves strong and healthy.

This year, the children also learned about the importance of exercise and were able to participate in a sports program. They played cricket and badminton, ran races, learned new games, and enjoyed being outdoors.

Extracurricular activities

In addition to regular academic tutoring, your sponsored child also has the chance to take computer and art classes at the children’s program. Children of all ages receive computer training twice a week to help them become computer literate and equipped with an important skill for the future. Art class is a time for the kids to explore their creativity and interests. The staff said that often the children will discover talent they didn’t even know they had!

An answer to prayer

We know you pray for your sponsored child regularly. As you pray this month, you can praise the Lord that your child is enjoying new, upgraded facilities! Construction on the new children’s home was completed in June, and a separate kitchen, store, and dining hall for the new building will be completed soon.

Also, the program received a new 30-seat bus, which will be used to transport the children to and from school. Please continue to pray for the staff and children as they adjust to this new location.

Thank you

Your gift of sponsorship has been life changing!

Every month, your gift boosts the health and happiness of your sponsored child. And, for that, we cannot thank you enough! You can give an additional gift today to provide extra help for your sponsored child and other kids in the program.

Thank you for investing in your sponsored child’s life!


Additional Reading

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