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Advocates & Speakers

World Help has a rich history of global impact, reaching more than 80 million lives in 70 countries since our inception in 1991. Our speakers are passionate, knowledgeable, and personally invested advocates in our mission to bring help and hope to a hurting world. Collectively, they deliver messages of inspiration and motivation on global issues to classrooms, churches, universities, conferences, fundraising events, and large-scale venues nationwide

Scroll down to see our team’s speaker bios and areas of expertise

Meet the Team

Noel Yeatts, President of World Help

Noel Yeatts is an active advocate for social justice and humanitarian needs around the world with over 20 years of experience in humanitarian work. She is also an author, speaker, and the president of World Help, an international, Christian humanitarian organization serving the physical and spiritual needs of impoverished communities around the world.

Vernon Brewer, Founder of World Help

Vernon Brewer founded World Help in 1991, and, as its president for 16 years, cultivated it into a thriving organization that has helped over 80 million people in 76 countries. Vernon began his humanitarian career by distributing Bibles throughout post-Soviet Union Russia. As an expert on Christian persecution, Vernon will engage your audience on what it means to be all-in for Christ.

Dr. Tom Thompson, Senior Vice President of World Help

Prior to World Help, Tom spent over 30 years as an itinerant evangelist and executive pastor of a large church in southern California. During the past 16 years with World Help, he has traveled to over 75 countries helping national partners train church planters and establish local churches. Tom’s experience in these countries and his passion for the Church around the world will challenge your congregation for high-impact ministry.

Cyrus Mad-Bondo, Church Relations Representative

Cyrus loves God unreservedly and delights in serving the least and the lost. He served for 10 years as World Help’s Vice President and Africa Chief Strategist and is currently serving as a Church Relations Representative. He has also worked as a pastor in the Washington, D.C. area. Cyrus is originally from the Central African Republic (C.A.R.) and has had opportunities to share the Gospel across Africa, Central Asia, Southeast Asia, Central America, and Western Europe.

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