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Disaster Relief1 min read


Rescue one person in Indonesia for $50

Blog Team
Oct 01, 2018

Terror struck Indonesia Friday, Sept. 28, after a 7.3 magnitude earthquake occurred, leaving countless people buried under the rubble. And two days later, a devastating tsunami hit. The death toll surged to more than 840 people and continues to rise. Indonesian Vice President Jusuf Kalla said the toll could reach “thousands” based on previous disasters.

An estimated 2.4 million people were affected by this catastrophe … entire families have lost everything.

Body bags are being piled into a mass grave in an open ditch in Palu. Dead bodies are still being recovered amid the rubble. Reports state that more than 48,000 people have been displaced … men, women, and even children. But you can help rescue them in their greatest moment of need.

For just $50, you will help provide emergency aid to one person in Indonesia. Your gift will help provide items like food, clean water, clothing, medicine, and more.

When disaster strikes, responding immediately can be the difference between life and death. Aid supplies that have reached the stricken areas are a “drop in the bucket” of what’s required, the International Federation of the Red Cross has warned.

Will you respond today and help rescue one person in urgent need? Your $50 can help save a life.

Please pray for the people of Indonesia during this tragedy and please give as generously as you can.

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