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Refugee crisis4 min read


Responding in Afghanistan: 2,740 people helped and counting

Blog Team
Aug 28, 2021

“Amongst all the fearful faces, yours bring us safety and hope.” – Afghan refugee

Since the Taliban reclaimed Afghanistan, hundreds of thousands of people have fled their homes trying to find safety … but they have nowhere to go. They are homeless in their own country, and they desperately need essentials like food and water.

Instead of just watching this crisis unfold on the news, World Help donors like you sprang into action immediately, giving generously to provide the lifesaving supplies displaced families needed to survive.

In fact, as of Aug. 26, the World Help family had donated enough online to provide a week’s worth of emergency food and clean water to 2,740 people fleeing the Taliban! And that number continues to grow!

Thank you, world changers, for helping these families in urgent need!

In addition to providing food and water, you also helped make sure people on the run had essentials like blankets and tarps for shelter, baby formula and diapers for the smallest refugees, and access to medical care.

World Help’s partners in Afghanistan have been working around the clock to distribute the help that’s been provided. They’ve been cooking and delivering meals daily to families in displacement camps. In one day alone, they passed out 300 boxed lunches of rice, soybeans, soy meat, and bread.

The need is so great that our partners were immediately surrounded by starving refugees as they drove up with the food. They made sure to pass the boxed meals through the gate, concentrating on feeding the women and children first.

Another way that your donations are being put to work is by providing medical care for displaced Afghans. Our partners were able to set up a mobile medical clinic in Kabul and serve more than 500 patients in a single weekend!

The medical staff kept working until everyone there — especially the women, children, and the elderly — received the medicine and treatment they needed. The people were so grateful to know their needs were being taken care of.

Instead of seeing only hatred and violence in the eyes of an enemy, they’re also seeing the kind and caring eyes of people who love them and want to help them. “Amongst all the fearful faces, yours bring us safety and hope,” one Afghan woman said.

Thank you to every person who has donated to help these Afghan families as they fight for their lives.

If you haven’t had a chance to give yet and would like to, please click the button below.

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