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Bibles for All3 min read


Rohan: “Because of this Bible, we are alive today”

Vernon Brewer
Apr 14, 2023


I always look forward to sharing Bibles for All updates with you.

And if you’ve been following along, you’ve probably noticed that many recent updates have come from South Asia.

While our Bibles for All Ambassadors work to spread the Gospel across the entire globe, the need for God’s Word in South Asia is especially great. Our partners can’t keep up with the demand — despite the increasing dangers of being a Christ-follower.

Because of Bibles for All Ambassadors, Rohan and his family received a Bible
Rohan’s family has found new hope for the future because of their Bible!  

Anyone who claims to follow Jesus is at risk of extreme persecution. Hindu extremists consider Christianity a Western idea that must not be tolerated. Some will attack and even kill people who worship the Lord.

Strict anti-conversion laws make it challenging to share the Gospel, too, and prevent people who want to grow closer to God from buying a Bible in a bookstore or ordering one online.

Thankfully, World Help’s Bibles for All Ambassadors are committed to distributing God’s Word in spiritually dark places like South Asia every month … which is transforming lives like Rohan’s.

Rohan — whose name I’ve changed to protect him — lives in a small tribal village. He works hard every day, but he used to waste most of the money he earned on alcohol and witchcraft.

Trapped in addiction and depression, Rohan couldn’t provide for his family. His children even had to drop out of school to start working so they could survive.

When our partners in the area met Rohan, his family was living in a constant state of hopelessness.

Our partners shared the Gospel with them and encouraged Rohan to turn away from these harmful behaviors. Then, they prayed over the family and asked God to work in Rohan’s heart.

Become a Bibles for All Ambassador
Translating Scripture into someone’s native language helps them better understand the story of Jesus

A few days later, when they checked in on Rohan’s family, they were all desperate to learn more about God!

Because of our Bibles for All Ambassadors, our partners had a Bible on hand to give Rohan. Now, he reads his Bible every day — and it’s completely changed his life.

Rohan said that while reading the Bible, his family learned to trust God. They felt encouraged and emboldened, and now they have hope.

“Because of this Bible, we are alive today,” he said.

I want to thank all our incredible Bibles for All Ambassadors. Your generosity is spreading the Good News across Bible deserts like South Asia and beyond!

If you’re not a Bibles for All Ambassador yet, I invite you to sign up today and start making an eternal impact in the lives of men, women, and children worldwide.

For a monthly gift of just $30, you’ll send three Bibles to people like Rohan each month.

That means you’ll distribute 36 Bibles each year!

And since each copy of Scripture is shared among up to five people, you could provide spiritual hope to 180 people in just 12 months.

Begin your journey as a Bibles for All Ambassador now to start changing lives.


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