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Coronavirus4 min read


Rwandan Christians are praying for YOU

Have you ever noticed that Christians in the most challenging of circumstances often have the strongest faith?

Recently, I received a letter from our dear friend and partner in Rwanda explaining how the coronavirus pandemic has affected his nation. I knew the situation was bleak. The coronavirus and social distancing have left countless Rwandans out of work in a country where nearly 40 percent of the population already lives in poverty. 

Knowing that, the hopeful, faith-filled opening lines of his letter were even more powerful. “Grace and peace to you,” he said. “We hope you are doing well in the Lord’s protection. We are praying for you as the COVID-19 crisis hits our world.”

They are praying for us? When they are going through so much worse? Even in their own times of suffering, these brothers and sisters are supporting us here in the U.S. in the best way they know how — through prayer. Will you give back today by providing emergency aid in places like Rwanda and around the world?

Your gift to the coronavirus emergency fund will DOUBLE thanks to a matching gift by generous World Help board members. Every $8 you give is now enough to help two people in their time of greatest need!

In Rwanda, the coronavirus is making it even more challenging for impoverished families to stay alive. Many people rely on finding day labor to make a small income. They go out into the village looking for work so at the end of the day they can bring food back to their families. What they make often isn’t very much, but it’s enough to get them through another day.

With the country on lockdown, though, no one is hiring. There are no jobs to be found. No jobs means no money … and no money means no food.

“Parents who normally depend on their daily wage have lost their income and are currently not able to provide a single meal per day to the children,” our partner said.

Our international partners, who don’t have much themselves, are doing everything they can to feed, clothe, and encourage the people in their villages. But they need your help to continue helping others in need. ​

And for only $8 you can help TWO people, thanks to the matching gift. It doesn’t take much to help save a life. Your gift is vital during these trying times.

“We kindly request for prayers and support as the crisis is so enormous that we cannot handle it alone,” our Rwandan partner said. “We are praying for a helping hand as we do our best locally.”

Your gift will also help people in other countries like India, Guatemala, and Uganda. You’ll help provide emergency aid such as food, clean water, and hygiene kits to families who could not afford them otherwise, especially during this time of pandemic and economic instability.

You’ll help families here in the U.S., too, by providing emergency food to out-of-work Americans and hygiene kits to senior citizens and other vulnerable individuals. These kits contain hard-to-find items like hand sanitizer, antibacterial wipes, and soap.

Plus, you’ll help World Help erase the $2.3 million shortfall we face due to canceled events, ensuring that none of our feeding centers, medical clinics, or other vital global programs have to close their doors.

But the time to act is now. Our partners around the globe are busy distributing food, but soon they will be out of supplies. They need YOU now more than ever.

Your Christian brothers and sisters around the world are thinking of you and praying for you. Please keep them in your prayers as well, and please give if you are able to help meet their urgent needs. Every $8 you give doubles to help two people!

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