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Thank you for rescuing people around the world!

Sandy and Peggy, we are so grateful for your incredible support throughout the years, which has helped rescue thousands of people in need.

You have transformed the Guatemalan village of El Manzanotillo, given lifesaving aid to more than 2,200 refugees, helped save families after natural disasters in Haiti and Nepal, and so much more! You have truly made an impact that will outlive you and last for eternity.

Although we can never thank you enough, we hope this report of all you have accomplished will be a start. As you read it, you will get a glimpse of just a few of the many people whose lives you have touched and the global difference you have made possible.

From all of us here at World Help, thank you for giving HELP for today and HOPE for tomorrow to those who need it most. Your generosity is an inspirational example of Christ’s love in action.

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