“God has planned this. God has done this. God is a good God.”
The upbeat a cappella song filled the small home in Zimbabwe. A grandmother and her grandchildren were singing praises to God despite their hardships.
The week before, this family had been going hungry.
“We were at the point where we didn’t know where we would get our food,” the grandmother of 10 explained. But because of the generosity of others, her family was able to receive food, cooking oil, and soap. Without it, they aren’t sure how long they would have survived.

Families like this one who are living in poverty around the globe have had an even harder time getting food and basic necessities since the coronavirus pandemic began. Your gift can literally help make the difference between life and death for a family in need.
When you give today, you will help provide lifesaving aid like emergency food, clean water, medical care, hygiene kits, and more. And thanks to a matching gift, every $8 you donate DOUBLES to help two people!
“Please don’t forget about us,” the grandmother in Zimbabwe pleaded.
The recent pandemic has been hard not only on her as she struggles to feed her 10 grandchildren, but also on her entire community and country.
Nearly 80 percent of Zimbabweans are self-employed as traders or vendors, and they have been unable to work for several months now since the country is still under lockdown.
Our partner in Zimbabwe explained that the majority of children are forced to live on only one meal per day. And although they have been able to distribute food and other aid to many families, there are still countless more — both in Zimbabwe and around the world — who need vital aid.
“When you give,” our partner explained, “you are assisting in practical ways that will always be engraved on the hearts of the people.”

He went on to explain that without help, many families have no backup plan. “They have no savings when bad days come along,” he said. The most that people might have on hand is enough money to last them one or two weeks.
In a months-long lockdown, people are starving in their homes. And this is true for so many families living in impoverished communities around the world.
That’s why your gift to help provide essentials like food, medical care, hygiene kits, and more are so important! Plus, your gift DOUBLES!
Generous donors have already given $235,000 to help rescue people struggling to survive … but the needs are still incredibly great. So, World Help’s Board members have pledged another matching gift of up to $300,000! That means every $8 you give today will DOUBLE to help TWO people during this pandemic.
You’ll also be helping World Help erase a budget shortfall caused by canceled fundraising events due to the coronavirus. You’ll play an important role in making sure the impoverished men, women, and children who were counting on the funds raised at those events still receive the lifesaving help they need.
Think of that grandmother of 10.
She has to feed her grandchildren every day. And when they don’t have food, she has to listen to their cries. She has to hear them beg for something to eat. But without a job, she has no way to help them.
Will you be the one to step in and help families like hers worldwide?
Your donation today will help meet critical, immediate needs and also spread much-needed hope during this pandemic.
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