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Child Sponsorship2 min read


Sponsorship allows children to flourish

Kelsey Campbell
Jun 24, 2018

Young people in Honduras often have to choose between a life of crime or a life surviving on a meager income. Since Honduras is the second-poorest country in the Western Hemisphere, most families live below the poverty line.

But because of a child sponsorship program in Choluteca, children have another option: a chance to flourish physically, mentally, and spiritually.

Jesus, Friend of the Children is a youth center that hosts children before and after school. And in the past year, it has ministered to over 380 kids by meeting some of their most basic needs. Children at the center receive tutoring or supplemental classes; they also receive a nutritious meal with each visit.

However, it is only through sponsorship that children can attend the center.

That’s where you come in!

Right now, there is a child in Honduras who needs your help.

Gang violence is a daily reality in Honduras. Gangs will often recruit young kids — members are usually in their early to mid-teens.

Most of the children who attend Jesus, Friend of the Children are in this at-risk age group and come from impoverished families. But the center offers them a safe environment in a country ranked with one of the highest murder rates in the world.

But not only do these children receive food, lessons in basic hygiene, and educational assistance, they also are introduced to the love of Jesus Christ.

It’s all in the center’s name: Jesus, Friend of the Children. While at the center, kids have the opportunity to learn praise songs, attend Bible studies, and learn how to pray to God.

And today you can sponsor a child in this program, allowing him or her to become a successful and productive citizen who lives for Christ.

When you choose to sponsor a child living in Honduras, you are giving him or her a chance to beat the odds — to escape a life destined for violence and destruction.

All it takes is a monthly gift of $35.

So, will you sponsor a child in Honduras today? You’ll be helping a child say “no” to gangs and “yes” to a future full of possibilities. You have the chance to change a life.

<center> Sponsor a child

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