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Africa2 min read


Sponsorship Brings Hope to Kirinda

Amanda Mattingly
Mar 12, 2015

In a country where nearly 75 percent of the people live on less than $2 (U.S.) per day, the people of Kirinda, Uganda are surviving amid extreme poverty. Within this village, it is commonplace to lack basic necessities, such as clean water and educational opportunities. Parents work extremely hard to care for their children, but oftentimes, they are unable to provide for their many needs. Despite the difficulties and impoverished conditions they have endured . . . there is hope.

The Kiboga Community Center is a refuge of hope for families and children in Kirinda. This community center provides children with nutritious food, clean water, school supplies, and helps with school fees to ensure the children receive an education, empowering them to break the cycle of poverty they were born into. Through child sponsorship, this community center meets needs and provides opportunities to children they never thought possible.

Sponsorship in Uganda

Sulayiman lives with his parents and four siblings under poor conditions in Kirinda. His parents struggle daily to fight against the poverty that surrounds them. They want nothing more than for their children to be happy, healthy, and successful. They both work long hours finding odd jobs to earn an income to support their family . . . but it is never enough.

The thought of an education was only a dream. They never imagined their son would have the opportunity to receive an education until their lives were impacted through sponsorship. Now, Sulayiman is thriving in school and enjoys attending each of his classes, though his favorite is social studies. He told our partners that he thanks God for the opportunity to join the sponsorship program at the Kiboga Community Center.

Sponsorship is changing lives in Kirinda, meeting the needs of more than 30 children and providing opportunities for them to grow in their education and work toward their goals. Sponsorship is empowering these children to see beyond poverty and is giving them hope for a brighter future.

Water for KirindaSulayiman

While the Child Sponsorship Program is changing lives of future generations in Kirinda, there is still a desperate need for clean water. Although children have their basic needs met and receive an education through sponsorship, these families continue to battle poverty on a daily basis. Women and children still rise early each morning to walk long distances to wait in lines in order to fill their jerry cans with water for their everyday tasks . . . contaminated water.

Providing clean water to this village would completely transform the entire community . . . their lives will never be the same. With a clean-water well, holding tank, and three water distribution points, they will have sufficient water for their daily needs, which will also be accessible closer to their homes.

With this water system in place, along with the incredible opportunities the sponsorship program provides, the entire community will flourish. The people of Kirinda continue to have hope and believe in change. They believe they can overcome the cycle of poverty, and this water project will help them take the first step to a new way of life. Will you join us this World Water Day to give help and hope to Kirinda?

Join us on World Water Day


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