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Bibles for All4 min read


Sunita: “I am so glad and proud to have this Bible”

Vernon Brewer
Mar 25, 2023


It seems like the world is getting smaller every day.

Technology has made travel and communication so much easier. You can get the latest news on the war in Ukraine, book a flight to Cuba, and so much more in seconds.

But despite how far we’ve come, there are still Bible deserts around the world where people don’t have access to God’s Word.

Many places in South Asia fall into this category. In communities where Hinduism is the dominant belief, those who decide to follow Christ often experience intense persecution.

So it’s no surprise, then, that you can’t just walk into the local bookshop and pick up a Bible. Few people in these areas have ever seen a Bible, much less owned one.

But Bibles for All Ambassadors — World Help donors who give every month to send Bibles worldwide — are working to change that.

You can distribute Bibles throughout South Asia by becoming a Bibles for All Ambassador
Sunita and her family will grow in their relationship with Christ because of her new Bible

Sunita is just one of the many people in South Asia who have received a copy of God’s Word thanks to the generosity of Bibles for All Ambassadors.

Sunita, whose name I’ve changed to protect her, comes from a wealthy family. But at the start of the pandemic three years ago, they experienced extreme economic hardship and still haven’t recovered.

In fact, things have only worsened for her family as the prices of necessities like food and fuel continue to rise.

Sunita was starting to feel hopeless — until a group of Christians came to her village. They went door to door sharing the Gospel.

The first time they visited Sunita’s home, she was immediately reminded of a childhood friend who followed Christ. Sunita had always admired how her friend could trust the Lord, but she hadn’t given it any thought in years.

Become a Bibles for All Ambassador
Giving someone a Bible in their native language helps them better understand the Gospel

One month later, when the missionaries returned, Sunita was ready. She had been patiently waiting for them to come back so she could ask them more questions about God.

And thanks to Bibles for All Ambassadors, they had a Bible on hand to give her. She decided to follow Christ and began praying and building a relationship with God as she read His Word.

Now, Sunita finally has hope for the future … and a message she wanted to share with everyone who helped her:

“I am so glad and proud to have this Bible, and I am very much grateful to you people for giving me such a great gift. Whenever I am reading from the Bible, I get a sense of relief from my burdens, and I can experience that God Almighty is speaking to me.”

Because of Bibles for all Ambassadors, people in some of the most spiritually dark places on earth are now experiencing the hope found through Jesus Christ. And you can help!

For just $30 a month, you can become a Bibles for All Ambassador and provide three Bibles to people like Sunita every month.

In your first year, you’ll distribute 36 Bibles around the globe. And since each Bible is usually shared with around five family members or friends, that means you will impact up to 180 people!

Become a Bibles for All Ambassador today and begin making your impact on the world for Christ.


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