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Advocacy2 min read


Syria: It's Not All Right

Vernon Brewer
Jul 26, 2012

Crisis in Syria from World Help.

I just returned from an emergency trip to the Syrian border.

What I saw there was horrifying . . . heart-wrenching . . . images of tragedy that were worse than I ever thought possible.

I literally met hundreds of refugees who were running for their lives. Huddled in cramped, dirty rooms with no money for food and with little hope left—the faces I saw were etched with grief and fear.

All had experienced the trauma of losing loved ones—killed in some of the worst ways possible—Tortured. Blown away by the bombings. Taken out by snipers. Decapitated. Mutilated. And this was the fate of completely innocent people!

As I listened to the stories of one refugee after another, the magnitude of the situation hit me hard: Our help is needed now, and there is absolutely no time to waste.

When you meet a refugee mother whose child in her arms is dying from cancer, especially as a cancer survivor myself, . . . nothing else matters. Ethnic differences, religion, language . . . these shouldn’t matter. 

Syrian ChildrenSitting beside her, I broke down. The woman tried to console me saying, “It’s all right.” Weeping, I looked at her and said, “No, this is not all right.”

Watching orphans starve to death in the streets while I have resources to feed them is not all right with me.

Allowing the sick and the elderly to suffer when I have the opportunity to provide medicine is not all right with me.

Standing by while thousands of Syrian refugees are losing hope every day and the rest of the world does nothing is not all right with me.

If you want to do something that will outlive you and last for eternity, please take a few minutes to watch this video of my time in Syria and act today. The images you see are only small glimpses of the terrible reality our neighbors in Syria are facing.

Together, let us have the courage to say, “No, it’s not all right,” . . . and the resolve to do something about it.

Here’s how you can help.

  • Give. Provide life-saving food and medicines to Syrian refugees through our humanitarian aid network.
    • $20 will feed and provide medicine for one refugee child for one month
    • $100 will make these provisions available for an entire Syrian family for one month
    • $1,200 provides these same vital supplies for a family for one year
  • Pray. There is no way to predict how long this crisis will last . . . the death toll is rising daily, and refugees are continuing to flood the borders of Syria by the thousands—they have nothing left!
  • Share this video. The world needs to see what is happening to the people of Syria. Please help me motivate others to respond with compassion in action.

The time to act is now. Please respond with your life-saving gift today!


How You Can Help

We can’t delay any longer. Please give today so we can get this urgent aid on the ground and into the hands of the Syrian people.

No matter what the situation is politically, these people are our neighbors . . . our brothers and sisters on the other side of the world . . . and we can’t let them down. We can choose to be indifferent, or we can choose to be the difference.

To learn more about our efforts for Syrian refugees visit

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