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Middle East3 min read


Syria: Why We’re Committed

Vernon Brewer
May 30, 2013

The world is beginning to turn its back on the Syrian people.

Many NGO’s on the ground in Syria and neighboring countries are packing up and shipping out, unable to continue their work  due to lack of funding. To make matters worse, international diplomacy is slow to yield effective change on the ground, a tragic disconnect resulting in the loss of thousands more innocent lives with each passing day.

Meanwhile, refugee camps are bursting at the seams, well over capacity and without adequate supplies to continue supporting the massive influx of Syrians pouring from across the border. Za’atari, the camp I visited earlier this year, was crammed with over 80,000 residents at the time. Today, there are more than 150,000 refugees struggling to survive on practically nothing.

Syrian refugees

The people are desperate . . . having to choose between survival and dignity. Our partners working on the ground tell us that women and young girls are being sold into prostitution or forced into arranged marriages in exchange for money, food, and protection.

One mother with a starving infant was forced to give her teenage daughter away to a total stranger in order to save the life of her baby. Another family was promised a substantial dowry in return for their daughter in an arranged marriage. After the wedding, the husband sold his new bride to a brothel for an even higher price. Desperation is giving way to every form of evil imaginable . . . and there are no signs of stopping or slowing.

The violence within Syria is at an all-time high. Just days ago, the streets of two coastal Syrian towns were soaked with the blood of hundreds of innocent civilians. The bodies of families were found mingled together, charred by the flames that consumed their homes. Little children lay dead with their eyes still open in shock, their tiny bodies mangled by gunshot wounds.

These are the images that have escaped our headlines and our hearts far too long. When will we wake up to the reality of what’s at stake? When will we say ENOUGH?

We cannot allow this senseless loss of life to continue to go unanswered. It’s not about politics or opinions anymore . . . it’s about life and death. This insanity has to stop!

The good news is that we have the power to respond to the Syrian people right now . . . if we would only choose to take it.

Watch “Restoring Hope to Syrian Refugees” on Vimeo.

Right now, a World Help shipment of life-saving supplies has arrived in Jordan and will be distributed through our strategic aid partners on the ground. The contents of this container alone will impact over 25,000 refugees struggling to survive.  But the situation is still critical . . . we can do more!

We are in desperate need of additional funding to continue shipping critical provisions like food, medicine, blankets, hygiene items, and more to the Syrian people. I’m asking for your help today to make an immediate impact . . . even to save a life!

A gift of $20 will provide food and medicine for a refugee child for one month.

A gift of $100 will provide food and medicine for an entire refugee family for one month.

A gift of $1,000 will provide food and medicine for 10 refugee families for one month.

The Syrian people are in their greatest hour of need. Their own government has turned against them.  Those who promised to protect them are slaughtering them in cold blood. NGO’s are leaving the area every day. And the international community is negotiating rather than responding.

It’s up to us to be the difference. It’s up to us to step in with compassion. It’s up to us to be the Church.

Together, we can be the light when all other lights have gone out. Join me in doing something that will outlive you and last for eternity for the people of Syria.

No gift is too small.

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