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We are proud to be reviewed and held accountable by these independent third-party organizations.

One decision can revive the forgotten

One decision can revive the forgotten

Emeregilda woke to the sun streaming through the cracks in her makeshift home. It was mid-April, and the heat was already unbearable. By noon, the temperature in her arid Guatemalan village would reach over 90 degrees. She stepped outside and peered into the water...
Your bucket list + clean water = 1 life transformed

Your bucket list + clean water = 1 life transformed

Every day, Muskan picked up a large bucket and carried it for miles to the nearest source of water … a polluted reservoir. When we think of buckets, most of us probably think about our “bucket list” — a running inventory of things we want to accomplish in our...
How one 16-year-old started a movement … and you can too

How one 16-year-old started a movement … and you can too

Baylee Bennett grew up in a family of passionate humanitarians who believe in the power of hope. And at only 16 years old, that same passion became her own. In August 2016, Baylee traveled to Guatemala where she witnessed the dedication ceremonies of two deep bore...
5 things to add to your bucket list

5 things to add to your bucket list

Has your bucket list ever made you feel depressed? If you don’t have the time and money to check off goals such as backpacking across Europe or snorkeling the Great Barrier Reef, your bucket list can sometimes seem more discouraging than inspiring. Dreaming big is...
Is there a hole in your bucket list?

Is there a hole in your bucket list?

Skydiving, traveling the world, meeting someone famous — are any of these on your bucket list? Each of us has goals we want to accomplish to live life to the fullest. But what if living life to the fullest isn’t just about collecting life-changing experiences? What if...
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