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Does international child sponsorship really work?

[wh_blogger img=”” name=”Jennifer Peterson” twitter=”jennmpeterson” short_bio=”Writer at”] Hi! I am Jennifer. My family and...

Children Hold Incredible Value

Have you ever really contemplated the significance of a child? How about the significance of each life that is given . . . each boy and girl that is born in countries all around the world? Today’s children will be the future messengers to the next generation. They are...

Why Sponsors Make the Best Advocates

Dieu Grand looked up at me from the stack of photographs. Him facing the camera with a skeptical smile and dirty t-shirt, and me smiling back knowing that I wanted more than anything to see him reach his full potential. My sponsorship journey began when I joined the...

After Genocide | When Justin Came Home

An estimated 75,000 children were left behind after the Rwandan genocide in 1994—thousands of them maimed, violated, and left with emotional scars that still remain today. Justin is one of them. His parents were killed during the 100-day assault that left more than...

A Child’s View of the Syrian Crisis

Crouching behind a crumbling stone structure, 11-year-old Yusef peered out into the dusty debris-ridden street. He tiptoed wearily around piles of rubble and broken glass, and around the stiff bodies of men, women, and children sprawled in the streets. It was nearing...
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