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A Love That Changes Fates

Rosemary and Josephine were only 8 and 11 years old when their fates crossed. They were from different communities and had never met, but they shared a common bond—extreme poverty had taken their futures captive. That was 12 years ago. Today they are young women who...

Child Sponsorship | Part of the Family

Flipping through the pages of the black photo album with colorful pages full of pictures, there was one in particular that stood out. In the midst of numerous family photos from tropical vacations was one of a sweet young boy with a half-smile and big brown eyes. It...

Mari Audeli | A Rescue Story

Elsa was 16 years old and utterly destitute when she discovered she was going to have a baby. It was the last thing on earth she felt prepared to do. She wondered whether her emaciated, feeble body could even withstand the pregnancy. A gripping fear began to come over...

Why You Are the Answer for Syrian Refugees

The residents of Hamidyeh were jolted awake by warning gunfire directly outside their doors. After weeks of relentless, stomach-churning tension, they knew their worst fears had come true. The armed gangs went from home to home, forcing families from their beds into...

Honduras: A New Generation of Hope

Honduras is one of the poorest nations in Latin America, but World Help sees incredible opportunities to invest in lives there by providing hope. Over the last several years, we have actively mobilized public hospitals with life-saving supplies, built clean-water...
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