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Crisis in the Horn of Africa

Most of us in America may just be hearing about the mounting crisis in Somalia and the surrounding nations in what is commonly called the “Horn of Africa.” Images of malnourished children and lines of refugees have only recently reached our television screens after...

Got Milk Challenge Extended!

Thank you for your enthusiasm and support of Tour of Hope’s Got Milk campaign for malnourished babies at Danita’s Children in Haiti. So far, we’ve raised a little over 10 percent of our goal in just two weeks! We truly believe that with more time, we can definitely...

Trapped in a Nightmare

Only a few miles away from the city center of Nairobi, Kenya, lies a desolate wasteland of muck, raw sewage, shacks, and hundreds of thousands of people crammed together in utter despair. It’s known as the Kibera Slum. And it is the worst place that I have ever...
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