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Water is life

Water is life

With joy you will draw water from the wells of salvation — Isaiah 12:3, ESV. You’ve probably heard the phrase “water is life.” But what does that really mean? For most of us, water is everywhere. We have never truly had to go without it. When people say, “water is...

Fighting Childhood Deaths With Water

In the developing world, a child’s most critical years are from 0-5. This is the age where children are most vulnerable to sickness and disease. In fact, the majority of deaths in children under 5 are a result of preventable diseases. Today, sub-Saharan Africa leads...

Two Friends, One Vision

  A year and a half ago, in the middle of a dump in rural Guatemala, a vision was born. It didn’t come from a trained team of international development staff or a big marketing firm . . . it came from two friends who shared in a defining moment that would change...
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