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Suicide hotline calls up 1,400% in Thailand

Suicide hotline calls up 1,400% in Thailand

Lara hangs her wet, soapy hair over a bucket and rings out as much shampoo as she can. She’s careful not to let any spill on the cramped bedding of the four other girls living with her in their tiny one-room home. They’ll need every last drop of the soapy water for...
Hope for tomorrow: It starts with love today

Hope for tomorrow: It starts with love today

Help for today … Hope for tomorrow. Perhaps you’ve read that so many times in various World Help blogs, emails, and mailings that it’s almost lost its power. Now, it’s just a slogan or catchphrase you skim over. But for Mrs. Zin, those six words are her saving...
Thailand’s red-light district is closed

Thailand’s red-light district is closed

Something I never thought I’d see in my lifetime happened last month — every single “go-go” bar in Thailand closed their doors. All of them. The red-light districts went dark. No more neon lights. No more pounding music. No more girls dancing for crowds of potential...
How to pray for the world’s tough issues

How to pray for the world’s tough issues

These days it seems like the world is spinning out of control. There’s a lot of pain, fear, and evil. But just because there are struggles doesn’t mean we should give up on trying to make a difference. It just means we should be praying even harder and more fervently....
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