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Water Can Lift the Burden of Despair

More than 10 percent of the Guatemalan population still lives without improved water sources today. In fact, it’s common for rural villages to collect their daily supply of water from the nearest river. Yet these natural sources are also breeding grounds for...

Do You Ever Question Your Purpose?

Many of us have come to a point in our lives in which we met a painful reality—the stark contrast between our comfortable, cozy lives and the deeply unsettling affects of poverty. And we begin to wonder . . . am I doing enough? For Katie Marshall, a certified trainer...
Caring About Women Should Start With Clean Water

Caring About Women Should Start With Clean Water

The more I learn about unsafe drinking water in the developing world, the more I realize how dissimilar my daily routine is from millions of women. At all times, I am within steps of clean water. Showering in the morning is as simple as twisting a knob. Cooking dinner...

Clean Water is Well Worth It

Nearly 1 million people die every year from waterborne diseases, such as typhoid, cholera, and diarrhea. The cause: Nearly one in ten people still lack access to safe drinking water. Think of all the violence and war in our world today. Thousands of innocent lives are...

What You Need to Know About Zika Virus

Stories about Zika virus have taken the world by storm. In less than a year, Zika virus has surged across the Americas with shocking speed. Global concern is growing with each new report of Zika-related health complications, and it’s easy to wonder—what can I possibly...
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