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From the Field: Transformation in Guatemala

Today I’m on the field in Guatemala working with a group of pastors from across the nation who want to make a difference on a global scale. It’s been an incredible trip already; I don’t even know where to begin. We’ve visited children at our Baby Rescue Center who...

One Container . . . Thousands of Lives Impacted

World Help has been diligently working to prepare a container filled with humanitarian aid supplies that will benefit hundreds of needy families in Guatemala. These resources will eventually be distributed by our faithful national partner, who meets the physical and...

Like Father, Like Son: One Trip, One Passion, One Commitment

  The Andrews family live in the beautiful and lively city of Evansville, Wisconsin. As parents, Joshua and Kia wish to share their faith, passion, and concern for others with their children. Knowing there is no better lesson than life-experience, they decided...

Hunter’s passion: run for clean water

One village we went to had water brought in on a truck . . . We found out it was contaminated, and they sell it to people. The people are already poor, and now they’re paying to get sick. It’s terrible. —Hunter Smith “Guatemala is so different than anything I’d ever...

Charles Billingsley partnership

causelife is excited to announce that accomplished recording artist Charles Billingsley is partnering with us to bring clean water to Guatemala! Billingsley debuted his new album, Never Forsaken, March 6 during a live online concert to kick off his new tour. He also...
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