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One month after Hurricane Dorian

One month after Hurricane Dorian

Sept. 1, 2019, is a date few Bahamians will ever forget. It’s the day that Hurricane Dorian arrived … and destroyed everything in its path. At least 61 people were killed, and many more bodies still lie under rubble that has yet to be cleared. Over 78,000 people are...
What becoming homeless sounds like

What becoming homeless sounds like

“The windows started breaking … the plywood started popping … the screaming of the wind. … We’ve never seen anything like this before,” Julie said. These are sounds she will never forget — hearing Hurricane Dorian tearing apart her home. Hurricane Dorian completely...
Ossie, a Dorian survivor, has a message for you

Ossie, a Dorian survivor, has a message for you

On my trip back from the Bahamas after helping deliver aid to victims of Hurricane Dorian, I shared a plane with an unexpected passenger. Her name was Bobby, and she was a dog. Bobby was on her way to be reunited with her owner, Oswald “Ossie” Hall, who had been...
9 years old and homeless

9 years old and homeless

During my trip to the Bahamas to assess storm damage, I met a little boy named Johnero.When Hurricane Dorian hit, 9-year-old Johnero was at home playing with his toys. Suddenly, his sister ran into the room, shouting that the door to their house had blown off. As...
What becoming homeless sounds like

On the ground in the Bahamas: “There’s almost nothing left”

In the wake of Hurricane Dorian, the Bahamas look like a war zone. Cars are strewn about and sandwiched between the remains of what used to be homes, schools, and businesses. Now, it’s all destroyed — and the people who once lived here are struggling to survive. I’m...
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