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On the Syrian Border: They Can’t Wait

Today, I’m in Amman, Jordan, working alongside our humanitarian partners amidst one of the most desperate and widespread disasters I have ever witnessed. Our lead field strategist in Jordan is my long-time friend, Isam Ghattas. His cultural awareness has proven...

Never Again: History Echoed in Syria

“Never again!” That was the battle cry heard round the world as a betrayed Rwanda stared bewildered into a shadowy future altered forever by genocide. “Never again,” we vowed after more than 800,000 Rwandans were butchered. “Never again,” we said to the families left...

A Child’s View of the Syrian Crisis

Crouching behind a crumbling stone structure, 11-year-old Yusef peered out into the dusty debris-ridden street. He tiptoed wearily around piles of rubble and broken glass, and around the stiff bodies of men, women, and children sprawled in the streets. It was nearing...

Reignite Hope for Refugees

Outside the cement-block shack, two children—a boy and girl with dark hair and freckles—run barefoot, avoiding the sharp rocks as best as they can. Their bodies are in perpetual motion because the ground is too cold to stand in one place for too long. They jump and...
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